
Designed for Cambridge University Hospital clinical trials, the AeroSentinel utilises the latest technologies to monitor real-time air quality and the movement and concentration of aerosols, CO2 and water vapour. 

The unit then relays information back to the end user in multiple viewing forms, such as a live heat map, key metrics, or something as simple as a message to say the environment is safe.

AeroSentinels and airflow diagram
Air quality monitoring on portrait iPad
Air quality monitoring on iPad

Intelligent integration

Within minutes, AeroSentinel identifies the potential risk in the air and can set guidelines for interventions to mitigate those risks while projecting the impacts of action taken, almost immediately.

Designed to integrate with the AeroTitan™ air disinfection units, AeroSentinel communicates in real time to enable a response if aerosol, CO2 or water vapour levels increase. This direct intervention means that noise levels and power output can remain as low as possible.

Visual reporting allows any viewer to understand whether an area is safe or needs intervention. Key metrics are set to alert the relevant people and can be used to educate staff, patients, customers & visitors. Key information data is archived for future review and evidencing for future environmental compliance audits, HSE or any other governing body requirements, a feature that is increasingly essential as stricter rules are implemented in the wake of the pandemic.

Custom options

Each AirPurity unit can be designed for the environment it occupies. Exterior panels can be fully customised or have decals designed applied, for example, paediatric ward placement. Other options include safety messages, inspirational quotes and marketing opportunities – the only limit is your own imagination!

Higher-spec models include options to customise how the unit moves the air and which direction the outflows blow, and to tailor filtration, for example to a more gaseous environment or to a more generalised dusty environment. How units move can also be tailored, such as being trolley mounted for A&E when aiding a potentially infectious patient.

Customised reporting can be provided and can cover everything from generalised data tables and graphs to comprehensive ventilation reporting. Custom visuals and educational videos can also be created to ensure whoever is moving into the space is aware of the air quality ‘picture’ and safety levels achieved.

Bespoke AirPurity UK products
Custom air disinfection unit in hospital room

Air disinfection & air quality monitoring products

Powerful, efficient, intelligent


Unrivalled performance and build quality.


Maximum air quality for minimum cost.

How it works

Tailored air disinfection solutions.

Contact us

Revolutionise your indoor air quality

Contact us for further information on our air disinfection products and services. Already have air disinfection units in place? Ask us about ventilation audits using our AeroSentinel monitoring system, vetted in real-world clinical trials. Have a BMS system and want to integrate AirPurity? Contact us to discuss bespoke communication routes.

Phone 01799 732968

Reducing NHS cost burdens

In 2016/2017, the HCAIs were estimated to cost the NHS £2.1 billion and more than 20,000 deaths per year. AirPurity’s mission is to reduce HCAIs and to manage avoidable related cost to relieve the burden on the NHS, freeing up resources to improve quality of care.